Review portal, MouthShut.com has decided to shut down its RSS feeds on its website as a part of the cleaning process. The company said the move will keep spam and junk under check. It is also concentrating on a enhancing its mobile enabled website and launching a cross mobile application.
“One needs to understand the overall context. Feeds generally consume about 1-2% of the subscriber base of a typical web site, hardly impacting the daily traffic. Moreover, interactivity in content sent through feeds is very less compared to that available on the site thereby making the reading activity tiresome and restricted. It also reduces users’ interaction with the site and its community,” said Faisal Farooqui, Founder-CEO, MouthShut.com.
While explaining the reason behind the move, the company said RSS feeds have their loyal base – readers who subscribe to the RSS feeds using their email address. The latest news and updates from the websites gets delivered into the inbox of the subscriber. It is convenient but prevents him to visit the website because all the information he wants is delivered to him on his mail.This reduces his exposure the design and UI and other major features of the site.
Creating a mirror image is another problem. RSS feeds also created a mirror image of the website which result in a multiplication effect of duplicates and junk.