The ecommerce market in India is expected to grow by 33 per cent to reach Rs 62,967 crores by the end of 2013 predicted a report released by the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) and IMRB International. The ecommerce market was valued at Rs 47,349 cr in December 2012.
Source: IAMAI-IMRB International
As per the findings, Online Travel (booking rail, air, bus tickets, hotel accommodations, tour packages) comprised a majority 71 percent of the whole Digital-Commerce pie in 2012. While e-tailing, which includes purchases of various consumer products/services constituted 16 percent of the overall share.
Financial Services, which include services such as paying insurance premiums and renewals, paying utility and mobile bills, trading shares and securities amounted to 6 percent of the overall share. B2B and B2C Classifieds (jobs, matrimony, car, real estate etc.) contributed 5 percent, whereas other online services such as online entertainment ticketing, online food delivery, buying discounts/deals/vouchers etc. constituted 2 percent of the overall digital commerce market in 2012.
Read the full report here.