Big Shoe Bazaar India Pvt Ltd, the brand owner of, has announced that it has raised Rs 100 crore in Series C round funding led by Fidelity Growth Partners India (FGPI) and Qualcomm Incorporated. Previously, in 2010, the company had raised Rs 10 crore Series A funding from Nexus Venture Partners followed by Rs 40 crore in 2011 led by Catamaran Ventures. These existing investors also participated in the Series C funding.
Manmohan Agarwal, CEO, Big Shoe Bazaar, said, “ has pioneered mass market ecommerce in India and has taken significant first mover advantage in this large segment. Big Shoe Bazaar’s state of the art fulfilment centre, efficiencies in our supply chain and our logistics network are key to supporting’s customer connect. Our Series C round of investments will further strengthen these core initiatives.”
Rahul Rai, MD, FGPI, said, “Big Shoe Bazaar is best positioned and equipped to support the needs of mass market ecommerce sites like Global leaders in the mass market segment were able to take up value-based positions based on very strong back end capabilities. We believe Big Shoe Bazaar’s strengths are unparalleled in the backend.”
Karthee Madasamy, Senior Director, Qualcomm Ventures, India and Israel said, “The number of Internet users via mobile has already surpassed Internet users via PC, creating a growing opportunity to reach mobile connected consumers with unique shopping experiences. And in these times when mobile is at the focal point, our investment in Big Shoe Bazaar stands to greatly influence the way people engage in online shopping. We are delighted to co-lead this financing round.”