Provider of financial services Avendus explores internet penetration in India driven by mobile phones in a recently released report titled 'India's mobile Internet-The revolution has begun'.
Prologue of the report states that the ubiquitous nature of mobile phones has created a massive opportunity for mobile Internet businesses. Substantiating this statement are the following facts mentioned in the report:
The report claims that mobiles which are a twenty year old phenomenon are now creating the platform for another revolution. It further claims that the mobile ecosystem is demonstrating that it can improve the reach of Internet by a few multiples. The growth of social media and the ability of mobile devices to add location to the product mix are providing opportunities for businesses to fundamentally alter the way users engage socially or the manner in which they purchase goods and services. This is leading to the reimagination of several business models.
The report points out that mobile Internet based businesses have not scaled to levels where belief in the ability to monetize through the channel is established. Several models are still in the trial stage, but there are enough leading indicators to prove we may be on the cusp of a very exciting phenomenon. Some of the indicators given by the report include:
According to the report, the penetration of mobile Internet is driven by three key factors, which form the backbone of the mobile Internet ecosystem: