Following Nokia India’s association with Indiatimes Shopping for launching NokiaShop, Gautam Sinha, Director, Technology and Ecommerce, Times Internet has told India Digital Review that the company is in the process of launching similar exclusive online shops for around four to five brands and expects them to be operational by the coming eight months. Though Sinha didn’t reveal the names of those brands, he said that Indiatimes Shopping would have one partner representing one particular category.
Elaborating on this model of setting up partnerships with various brands, Gautam Sinha said that, the warehousing and last mile fulfilment is done by Indiatimes and the company is paid a commission on every transaction. “We have set up warehouses in different locations and though this model is not the only priority of the company, the model helps us in strengthening the backend infrastructure of Indiatimes Shopping,” Sinha added.
Speaking about NokiaShop, Sinha explained that while a consumer can buy a Nokia phone from any ecommerce store in the country, no ecommerce platform will provide the entire catalogue of Nokia phones available other than the NokiaShop on Indiatimes and will bring about a major shift in consumer confidence in the mobile phone category.
“We are pleased to partner with a top brand like Nokia and help them reach their online customers. We hope to witness strong synergistic growth capturing majority of online mobile handset market in the next few months. We have made significant investments in warehousing and last mile delivery to ensure a world class shopping experience for our customers,” Sinha added.