India hot destination for Internet of Things, says top Qualcomm India official
- A top Qualcomm India executive has said the country has great potential to leverage the Internet of Things “revolution”, and the company will invest in domestic start-ups that are contributing to the IoT ecosystem.

- "IOT is the third wave after mobile phones and smart phones. In this wave, there will be people connected to things, as well as things connected to things. I feel India is very well poised to tap the opportunities emerging out of IoT, because the challenges facing this technology are not many,” Dr Sandeep Sibal, Country Manager and Vice-President – Business Development, Qualcomm India & South Asia, told India Digital Review.
- Sibal, who was in Delhi recently to participate in the IOT India 2020 Summit organised by BGR, said though questions remain on the immediate requirement of such technology, there was “no doubt that it can be of a lot of help to India”.
- As an example, he said key resources like water and electricity were being wasted on a daily basis. Using IOT, the government can come up with systems that can reduce the pilferage.
- “Take another instance – many of the anti-collision devices can benefit hugely from IoT technology. A car can stop automatically if a person comes within striking distance, when the driver fails to apply the brake on time. In a country like India, this can save so many lives as we have huge traffic issues,” Sibal explained.
- As far as its focus on India is concerned, he said Qualcomm has reorganized internally to focus on customized chipsets optimized for IOT, as well as reference design programs.
- Qualcomm is also setting up a Qualcomm Innovation Lab in Bangalore to provide technical and engineering support to small companies and start-ups, to help them come up with new IOT devices.
- Sibal said the company will be investing about $150 million in Indian start-ups, and Qualcomm Ventures has already actively invested in LIFX, August, and Fitbit, among others.
- “Through this investment, Qualcomm aims to fuel innovation and foster promising Indian start-ups who are contributing to the mobile and ‘internet of everything’ ecosystem. It will provide start-ups with financial, marketing, technology and business support to help propel them forward in the competitive Indian market,” Sibal added.